Thursday, July 2, 2009

Body Balance Physical? Mental? Emotional?

How did I get to this place of imbalance? My hip hurts, my back hurts and I just want to lie on the floor! This is a follow up to a question in the office this week....
Your body responds to all types of input from within and outside influences, like what you eat, the weather, how your move, i.e. run walk, twist, turn, what you hear and your minds interpretation of all of it. For instance, it is warm weather, you are not taking in enough water, which may lead to a slight to moderate dehydration, your brain is storing that information and chunks it with a twisting movement, and the emotional stress of having to chase a kid suddenly, or moving before the end of the month. You have unknowingly created a recipe for low back or hip pain. Now what do you do?
Well, what has worked in the past? Drinking fluids is a good start. Now I'm talking water, Emergen C or a low sugar, not an alcohol kinda fluid.
Next what are you going to do about the stresses?

I've got a great solution that takes less than one minute. It looks kind of funny, but it's super simple to do. I wrote an article about it in Woman's Day, September 2007. Emotional Stress Release is an exercise that you do with your conscious mind and "clears" the stress signals from the brain to the affected body part. I can even show you how it lowers blood pressure! Call for a free 15 minute consultation! There are literally thousands of applications. Here's the link to my website

Monday, June 29, 2009

Oh my aching....shoulder?

How is it possible that so many body parts are connected? Simple, we are a matrix of nerve and connective tissue that refer pain all over the place. That includes from places that you would not expect. Take for instance the shoulder pain that you have on and off for no good reason. Are you sure that the meds really take away the problem? What have you tried? Was it an injury?
Let me share from personal experience this little tid bit... No shoulder injury, just a pain behind my shoulder blades, a dull ache that I thought was referred from my kidneys. Well it turns out that the Gallbladder can refer pain to just about anywhere in the upper body, but usually the right shoulder, through to the back, or up around the neck. I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't give a diagnosis, but I can say that keeping a food diary helps a lot to get to the cause of the problem. I wrote down things that made my pain worse, foods included. Since I am trained to muscle test myself and others, I did that too. WOW! I had the help of my naturopath, Dr. Mystique Grobe and made an appointment to see a surgeon. I was amazed that I had no dull achy pain, just four tiny incisions when I woke up from surgery. No more indigestion, gallbladder pain, heartburn, AND no more shoulder pain. How cool is that!?
If you want to try muscle testing foods, or a achy pains we can discover what you body is saying.
Yours in Health,